Don’t cut what you can untie.
Mediation Services
Please note: I am not offering mediation services at this time.
As an Accredited Family Mediator with the Ontario Association for Family Mediation, I act as a neutral third-party and guide a process whereby people in conflict can reach lasting and durable solutions and agreements.
Traditional / facilitative mediation models tend to be problem-focused: Define the problem; generate possible solutions; and reach a mutually acceptable agreement. While these steps are important, I practice from a transformative mediation approach, which seeks to change the course of conflict by empowering people with new skillsets, understanding, and insight. I believe this approach is needed not only to settle the current conflict, but to create recognition of each other’s needs, interests, values, and points of view so that you are skilled and empowered to resolve future issues and disagreements that may arise.
“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”
- Viktor Frankl
Mediation Services Offered:
Child-focused parenting plans including: Decision-making responsibility; parenting time; communication; support; mobility; and agreements for the consistency and stability of your children
Parenting coordination and disputes related to existing parenting plans
Fees vary and packages are available. Book a consultation to learn more.